Thrilla in Manila (1.10.1975)

By the time Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali met in the legendary Thrilla in Manila (in 1975) they had fought three close bouts and cultivated a fearsome rivalry. During one of these meetings, Ali tried to distract his opponent with verbal taunts. "You can't beat me," Ali trilled, dodging Frazier's punches, "I'm God!" Frazier, however, was not easily distracted. "Oh, yeah?" he replied, still punching, "then God's gonna get his ass whupped tonight!"



Ali "the God" voitti matsin, Frazierin kulma ei päästänyt Joeta enää 15:a erään. Ali kertoo elämäkerrassaan Suurin ja kaunein ottelun olleen uransa ehkä kovimman matsin ja ajatelleen viimeisissä erissä "Miksi me teemme tätä?".